新型コロナウイルスの予防に関して 2023 / Regarding the prevention of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) 2023


  Face masks will be optional for all students and teachers in the IJLP classes.

 Please observe proper coughing etiquette (wear a mask, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue/handkerchief, etc.).

 If you feel unwell, do not attend class. In particular, do not attend class if you have a fever or other physical symptoms. 

もし新型コロナウイルスに感染したら / If you contract COVID-19


If you think you may have contracted COVID-19, avoid contact with others and promptly call or send a message to the student section of your department of study. (Do not visit in person.) After doing so, please follow all instructions given by the University.

 ➡各学類・研究科の学務係への連絡先 / List of Student Affairs Sections (English follows Japanese)


If you cannot attend the class due to COVID-19, please contact the class instructor through the Acanthus Portal. The absence(s) will be considered as “absence due to special reason” and your attendance average will not be lowered. *If you do not send a message, your absence will be treated according to the usual policy.


金沢大学 新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかる対応について The University’s Response to COVID-19